Artist Bio:
My name is Shelby Krause and I’m a 2D/ Mixed Media Artist based in Lincoln, Nebraska. My life, like many of my works, has been a winding road of different turns and surprises. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Education, I spent 9 years in the public education system as a middle school Art Teacher. I learned that some of my best ideas come from talking with others, that I want to help lift up the voice of others, and that I am far weirder than most teenage kids.
Over the last couple of years, my life has changed dramatically and one thing that has helped me heal is artmaking. Many of my works are colorful and primal chronicles of my life’s journey; the good, the bad, and the ridiculous.
While I do love working through emotions in my art, other times I go down rabbit holes and make weird and random things. I’ve recently gotten into illustration, each one with a story behind it. I also draw inspiration from my travels, pop culture, and my sweet baby angels Bill and Yeller.